TERO ABAFFY (*1994, Bratislava)
by her own name Terézia Sadílková completed her Master’s degree at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, Slovakia. Using light-hearted, ingenious humour, the author responds to the issue of the true female essence, role identities or social statuses and norms. In doing so, she offers an insight into her personal commentary, while leaving the viewer plenty of room for their own interpretation. Tero does not put herself in the role of a judge, but in the role of an active observer. The general themes inspired by the phenomenon of social media are at the same time very personal and existentially touch her life. The author opens the discussion with an unobtrusive, non-verbal ease. She thus creates an ideal combination of visual appeal, conceptual components and subtle sensuality.
Tero Abaffy
Selected art works
Zo série “Are you my spirit animal” | akvarel na papieri formát A4, 2022
Bez názvu – zo série „And what is your spirit animal?“ | (s rámom 50 x 40 cm), akvarel na papieri, 2022, rámované
Bez názvu – zo série „And what is your spirit animal?“ | (s rámom 50 x 40 cm), akvarel na papieri, 2022, rámovné
Bez názvu – zo série „And what is your spirit animal?“ | (s rámom 50 x 40 cm), akvarel na papieri, 2022, rámované
Bez názvu – zo série „And what is your spirit animal?“ | glazovaná keramická soška, 2022 výška 16 cm